Professional services for tax accountants and accountants

√ Auditing of financial statements and consolidated financial statements
√ Voluntary auditing of financial statements and consolidated financial statements
√ Auditing of interim financial statements
√ Assessment of internal control systems and accounting and management procedures
√ Assistance in preparing financial statements and consolidated financial statements in compliance with current legal requirements
√ Assistance in preparing financial statements and consolidated financial statements based on international accounting standards (IAS/IFRS)
√ Assistance in certification of the truthfulness of records (pursuant to arts. 67, 160, 161 and 182 bis Italian Bankruptcy Law)
√ Assistance in certification of the feasibility of recovery plans (pursuant to arts. 67, 160, 161 and 182 bis Italian Bankruptcy Law)
√ Accounting due diligence requirements in the acquisition of a company or company units
√ Assistance to statutory auditors in applying ISA 2015 standards
√ Certification of Project Financing plans
√ Issuance of VAT compliance certificate
√ Issuance of direct tax compliance certificate
√ Print circulation certification
√ Audit on reporting package
√ Auditing of condominium accounts
√ Reconstruction of accounting information
√ Assistance in accounts management
√ Physical inventory of fixed assets and stocks
√ Verification of accurate application of inventory value methods
√ Accounting assistance in tax litigation
√ Auditing of accounts of associations and of political parties